
The Covenants

We talk about covenants, and often being a ‘covenant church’, so let’s see what a biblical ‘covenant’ is, and what the 5 main covenants in the Bible are.

The New Testament and the New Covenant

What is the difference between the New Testament and the New Covenant? When did they each start and what does it matter? Actually, there is a big difference, and it is important for us all to understand the differences.

Baptism in the Holy Spirit

The baptism in the Holy Spirit is a free gift and is meant to be received by all, and the church needs to teach about it to everyone. Isn’t it time we all accepted the reality that the gospel is not merely a matter of words, but of power – and that we still need it? So if you or your church needs some help in teaching about the baptism in the Holy Spirit and on speaking in tongues, then please read this article.

How to Hear the Voice of God

God speaks to us in several ways, and He wants us all to be able to hear from Him. Let’s look at the different ways and how each of us can begin to hear from God, and at the typical obstacles that may be preventing us from hearing the voice of God and how to overcome them.

Led by the Holy Spirit

The Bible says in Romans 8:14 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. Let’s look at who the Holy Spirit is, what it means to be led by the Holy Spirit, and how we can all be led by the Holy Spirit.

Generous Giving

We serve a generous God who has done so much for us – what can we do for Him? What does the Lord ask of us under the New Covenant, and who should we be giving to? In each case, giving must be from the heart, and not under any legalistic compulsion.

The Curse of Perfectionism

God has made us perfect in His sight through the forgiveness of our sins, but what we do will never be ‘perfect’ – stop expecting perfection from yourself or anyone else.

For the Lonely

Who has never felt lonely and abandoned, or never been through a period of intense loneliness? If we have Jesus, we will never need to feel all alone again. We may be alone, for a time, but we will never have to feel lonely again.

8 signs that you, or your church, may be lukewarm

Are we ‘on fire’ for the Lord, as we read about the believers in Acts 5:12-16, or lukewarm, as we read of the church in Laodicea in Revelation 3:14, or somewhere in between?

(This article was published in Charisma, USA).

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